Starting a pickleball club on campus may seem like a complicated task, it is not. These are suggestions, but you're club will decide on what steps to take. You can make Pickleball, an inclusive sport, where everyone shares equal value for the team. This can be your goal or may want the traditional sport mode where only the top players will count. As an organization we see value in giving students an opportunity to count.

Consider completing a form found on our 

"Contact Us" page. 

This will allow other clubs to recognize your exsistance and offer communication.

You may not want to compete. This is your decision and we would post that information to other clubs.

There are apps such as "Team Reach" that allows you to make more connections, communicate with teammates, organize efforts, post schedules and play times.

Communication is essential, team bonding through concern and humor are tools to build deeper relationships. Notifications and document sharing ar a great benefit from these types of apps. If the majority of coaches and players are comfortable using this type of tool you will find it enhance your team experience and may lead to interaction with other clubs.

Most Student Councils will Require a new club to submit a constitution.

A Blank Club  Constitution is the easiest way to set up expectations for your Officers, meetings, and their duties.

Equipment, Set Up, and Supplies

Creating temporary courts on campus is a common way of introducing club play to your school. Basketball courts indoor may be available in the spring and outside courts are also a possibility.  In any case having a fenced in court is important to stop delays from lost balls.

Ideas to get equipment such as courts, balls, paddles, and nets:  USA Pickleball Youth Grant Program, the Kitchen Dink, local pickleball clubs, retirement villages, country clubs, and as a club you may find pickleball centered businesses that would give you discounts for early morning and after school practice. 

You can pay to be an official USA pickleball club  this provides insurance and information.

 The Pickleball Season: A Year round sport.

Unlike tennis and badminton, who only allow the top players to count we want to include everyone to scoring opportunities.  Pickleball should be considered a secondary sport that will not compete with existing programs like football/volleyball, basketball/wrestling, baseball/ softball & Track. Pickleball should be considered a year long sport so that we can get offseason players of other sports an opportunity to play. 

Many States offer a  Tax Credit Program

Offers potential donors an incentive 

to financially support your club.

Go to your district office to verify that as a school club you can be considered for the Arizona Tax Credit program.  The state of Arizona provides a variety of individual tax credits, including the Public School Tax Credit. These tax credits allow taxpayers to make charitable contributions and receive dollar for dollar reductions in the Arizona state tax liabilities.

This link provides a fun way to introduce your club to your students at a Pep Rally

Pep Rally Recruitment Script The initial growth of pickleball in retirement communities has created an impression that this sport is designed only for retirement ages. The sport actually was designed to be inclusive of most ages. The script is designed to take a lighthearted look at this misconception.


Consider local new sources to highlight your club, the popularity of high school clubsyour fundraising program,  parent/player fundraising tournament, celebrity police/fire/admin/teacher// Club Member fundraising tournament take a picture after your first practice  or a school web page.  

TV: Contact your school, local, or state news stations ahead of your first meet 

and continue to develop coverage for your club. Develop segments that would fit in the

 average 3 minute news item. Film your pep rally. Challenge other schools to start clubs.

Newspaper: Write your own article (include photos) with results, upcoming events, fundraising and submit it to your paper. 

Get Recognized Within Your School

Have you considered recognition for Pickleball participants by a School Letter for a letterman's jacket.

Carry your paddle to class. This might lead to questions and open chances to recruit players

Use social platforms to challenge other students in your school to become team members or fans.

Contact  Junior Highs  in your area to  created feeder programs.

Become ambassadors of the sport by asking  other schools to develop their own clubs.

Use Team Reach, Swish, Facebook, Instagram, or other social platforms for your school or other high schools in your conference: 

Choose to be a Leader/ Mentor

If you have a team where everyone matters, you will have opportunities to build facilities, schedules, and most importantly relationships.  It is best to listen as a leader, focus on building others up for legitimate growth or positive actions, and create opportunities for  others to grow into  their own leadership. Being a leader is not easy and not done without facing criticism. What you build in this year will have an impact for the future.

 "Iron Sharpens Iron"

You finished the game, a little lopsided, you meet in the center to say “Good Game”.  Your opponents may have played well, but missed shots by barest of margins. They are dissapointed with the score. You want to encourage them with the idea  of the phrase "Iron Sharpens Iron".  You as a player grow with competition from equal or tougher opponents. By saying "Iron Sharpens Iron" you acknowledge the worth of your opponents. 

It’s important as athletes we realize that we learn from each other. Your friends on the team make you a better player.  Have you considered that your opponents are doing the same? We as players should celebrate good effort, strategy, and shots from our team and partners. 

This celebration should include your opponents. This type of response from you showed an appreciation game and a higher level of sportmanship. 

Admiring the light that shines 

Realizing the battle from within.

In our journey will fail at sportsmanship, but we will pick ourselves up to try again.

“Admiring the light that shines.” 

This is seeking opportunities to support our team mates in the struggle, 

provide positive leadership, analyze ways to overcome, 

communicate adjustments to game plans, reassurance after the battle, 

and recognizing the accomplishments of our opponents. 

“Realizing the battle within.” 

We will all face the sting of failure to meet our personal expectations. 

It is how we express our disappointments with resolve, grace, 

and humor. This is to honor our opponents with the respect of a fellow athlete.

Deep Thoughts: a funny look at pickleball etiquet

On Saturday Night Live, "Deep Thoughts with Jack Handy",  gave funny life advice.  This is a lighthearted look at our own sportsmanship section. "Deep Thouights"  on "Iron Sharpens Iron"